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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Catching Our Breath

The past two months have been exactly why this blog has its name - The Race is On. And what a race it has been since our vacation down south. It is hard to believe that the last time I blogged we had just celebrated Sweet Marie's 100th July birthday party and were on a sunny beach in Destin. In what seems like just a few days later, it is a cool day with leaves turning for autumn. A lot can happen in two months.
Just a few days after I blogged from Destin, our family went to visit my sister, Sarah, in Alabama. While we were there we went to a Braves game, shopped, and went to the emergency room. Isn't that how everyone spends their vacation? Fortunately, we weren't there long and it did not interrupt our regularly scheduled program. I went in took my shot, passed my kidney stone the next morning and we were off again! Thankfully I didn't have to miss the ball game and felt like shopping, too!
When we came home I had one short week to recover from vacation and prepare for school. At the end of our first week of school we suffered the loss of Jeff's 100 year old grandmother. Marie was dearly loved and it is impossible to feel badly for her in any way. She had a great, productive life and did not have to suffer. I truly believe she was ready to be done here and spend eternity with her Creator. My pain is in the selfishness I feel because I won't get to see her for a while.
Since then, we have had dozens and dozens of football practices and softball practices and games. It has been fun to watch Rachel play high school ball and Alex play football. These are both new experiences for us so it has been interesting as well as busy.
On top of all this I turned forty something a week ago and Jeff bought me a new camera for my birthday. Let's just say that I have had a week in which there were a lot of things to take pictures of and I have taken advantage of it. The new digital has some fun features and I have spent the past week trying to figure out all of the buttons. For the future, this means more pictures and less text! You are all sighing in relief right now I'm sure!
Because of the craziness of our race, I actually started this blog Sunday afternoon, but I couldn't finish it until today (Monday). Alex had a couple of just for fun baseball games in Stockton (scheduled for Springfield, but rained too much!) Sunday afternoon. Now I can't describe how exciting this was for the families of these boys because they have not played baseball in their hometown for three years. We were thrilled when the "city boys" wanted to come up here to play. It was so fun and of course I had another chance to play with my new toy!
Quite possibly the most exciting part of our race in recent weeks is taking place tonight. Rachel's team is scheduled to play and Alex has football practice. I got up early this morning to make chili for the concession stand and we had everyone packed up and ready to go. It was beautiful and sunny outside, just like every day has been for the fall sports, which has made them all the more enjoyable. About 2:00 this afternoon it turned black, the wind picked up and a deluge of rain (which hasn't yet stopped) came. I called the high school secretary to have her tell Rachel where her equipment would be for practice since it looked like we couldn't have the game. She could see Rachel from her desk at that moment when her coach was telling the team that not only was the game cancelled, but so was practice. Rachel must have taken the news well, because Christy said she was jumping up and down. Just a few minutes ago Jeff called to say Alex's practice was also cancelled. You should have heard the cheers. Alex wasn't the only one excited. I was thrilled because I also have the chili I made for tonight. Not only will we be home together, we already have dinner made. Right now my house is quiet except for the rumble of thunder outside, the gutters gushing and the pattering of rain on the windows. We have candles flickering everywhere and the kids are relaxing in their rooms. As much as runners love a good race, even the best have to stop and catch their breath every once in a while. That is what we are going to do tonight. Thank you Lord for the race, but thanks for letting us catch our breath , too!

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