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Sunday, September 27, 2009

As previously discussed on this very blog, I am a procrastinator. Having said that, I knew when I made my "To Do" list for this weekend that there were some things that should have been written on a "I Should Do" list because I am not sure I ever really intended to do them. I wanted those items to be done. I knew they needed to be done. Some of those have been on a mental to do list for up to three months. With Friday out of school for the festival, there was my opportunity to cross items off the list. I started the list Monday and added throughout the week.
1. Mow.
2. Replace and repair van tires.
3. Go to the bank to sign onto an account.
4. Buy Alex some jeans.
5. Decorate for fall.
6. Buy groceries.
7. Clean out the refrigerator.
It didn't seem like an insurmountable list. Especially for a three day weekend. Although it didn't actually include housecleaning, laundry or the big festival. Alex, Jeff and I actually took care of the mowing Wednesday since there were no activities and it was nice out. There was something off the list before the weekend. But by Thursday evening (after being at the festival for four hours), I had already decided I was not going to do some items on the list and I was perfectly okay with this decision.
Then came the next morning. I did sleep in a little, but Rachel had practice so I knew I could still accomplish something on the list. I would shop mid-day and be home quickly to get some house work started since I was abandoning most of my list. I dropped her off and then went to the bank to sign some papers I had put off for about six weeks. I had one more thing off the list and suddenly I didn't feel so bad if nothing else was accomplished. Especially since I should probably have made an appointment for my van, I could definitely scratch getting the tires. I could still do the rest of the list easily and only be putting off one item!
This whole procrastinating thing was really working for me. Until I went to pick Rachel up from practice and the tire that was in need of repair was low. I could have just aired it up again, but Larry said he'd follow me to the tire shop. What could I do? There was no way to get out of acting on my list because of course I couldn't have them repair one without going ahead and replacing the other one. Thirty minutes later I had three things marked off my list. After a quick trip to Bolivar I had Alex's jeans and another check on the list. For two more days it looked like I was at a stand still. My mom came to the festival with us Friday night and stayed for the parade on Saturday. My house was still messy, but sadly I was okay with the decision not to clean it.
Now it is Sunday. Rachel and I selected some pumpkins and mums to add to the mums Pauletta sent me for my birthday. We are slowly decorating and marking another item off the list, leaving only two items. I will be able to grocery shop later leaving only one item on the list. Even though I easily could be finishing off my list, I have decided to skip cleaning the fridge. Instead, I am watching a movie with Rachel and Jeff called The List. I don't know about you, but I think this is pretty hilarious. My weekend is going to begin and end with a list. One that is finished and one that is not!

QUICK UPDATE: Just wanted to let you know that I wound up with two finished lists tonight. When I returned from the grocery store, I had to clean out my refrigerator in order to put all of the food away. So much for procrastination! At least my house is still pretty messy!

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