This is our first time to play around with the Bump Its Rachel got for Christmas. We had a good time playing this weekend, but we are so glad Jeff and Alex are home with us!
The Great White Hunters are finally home! I'm so thankful they are safely back and had a good time. Alex has been filling us in on everything from the weather, to what they ate, to the actual hunt. Considering the single digit temps, it sounds like it wasn't a total bust. They killed some pheasant, quail and even some ducks. Alex actually shot a quail, but unfortunately a hawk swooped down and carried it away before they were able to retrieve it. Our "hunting" dog didn't do much, though. Bud is a big Lab who just wants to be a little lap dog. I think his biggest contribution was that he befriended and kept company with David's new Irish Setter puppy who hadn't ever been separated from at least one of his family. Jeff seems happy to be home in a warm, cozy room with some Dr. Pepper. He enjoys the hunting and spending time with the guys, but this kind of cold is not for him. Alex has definitely inherited this trait.
Meanwhile, in Missouri it has been a few degrees warmer than where the guys were in North Central Kansas, but we received 3-4 inches of snow last night and today. It is a beautiful snow. The flakes were big and fluffy, but it is very cold. The high today was about 17 and by Friday the high is only supposed to be around 7. We have our first official snow day tomorrow because the roads are not cleared. I feel for the MoDot workers tonight. Those poor guys worked all day and they probably don't feel like they have accomplished a thing. It snowed all day, plus the snow is so powdery it just blows every where and to top it off it is super cold so nothing will melt. It doesn't sound like things will get better any time soon, so Rachel and I stopped at the grocery store after church today to stock up.
Rachel and I have kept ourselves busy while the boys were gone, which helped the time go much faster. She had a couple of basketball practices Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday after practice we shopped Target and Kohl's, then celebrated New Year's Eve with my Super Awesome Mother and had a great time. We ate pizza, watched a couple movies and then rang in the New Year with some sparkling grape juice, funny hats and some goofy pictures. The celebration continued the next day as the three of us bargain shopped again at Target and the mall. Rachel chose the restaurant, Ruby Tuesday, for our New Year luncheon. It was chosen on the basis of the mashed potatoes, but a great choice nonetheless! You would have thought that I had never eaten a salad:) That evening Rachel went to a friend's and I unloaded the van, laid out my dinner and set up for a movie. I thought I would take a little power nap and then eat and watch, but when I fell asleep at 8:00 I actually slept through until 8:00 the next morning. (This was quite a feat considering I have only slept more than 5 consecutive hours a few times since my surgery.) Saturday I had planned to clean house and begin preparing to resume our normal lifestyle since I would begin work on Monday. However, I was quite distressed about the appearance of my hair and we made yet another trip to Springfield!
Rachel and I treated ourselves to a little pampering with new hairstyles and color (for me) and (surprise) shopped a little more. Kay went with us this time which was nice for us. We were able to get some things for Jeff's birthday and Rachel and Kay found me a new coat. Of course, we had to eat and when we joked about going to Ruby Tuesday, Kay thought it a fine idea so we went again. The really funny thing is I was just excited about the salad the second day as I was the first! As we were leaving, Mom called and just about died when she found out we had gone back to Springfield for the third day in a row! Today we went to church, which was a pretty small group, but still a good worship service. When we came home and were trying to rustle up some lunch, Rachel was wishing Stockton had a Ruby Tuesday! I honestly think she would have even ordered the exact same thing she had the past two days. Wait until she has to go back to packing a lunch or eating school food!
Not much has been accomplished today except napping and blogging and greeting the boys. I am praising the Lord that they are home and we don't have to get out in the cold tomorrow!
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