I know that from the title it may seem that I am either playing hookie or a little warped. Really, though, I am only trying to follow Alex's suggestion. Monday, I predicted to Alex we would have leaves on the trees by the end of the week. With the bursting buds and the warm temperatures forecast for the week, I immediately began to feel like my allergy medicine wasn't really keeping up with all of the pollen. I felt fine Tuesday night at the baseball games, but when I woke up the next morning I had a terrible sore throat and a fever. I toughed it out for school all day yesterday so that I wouldn't feel guilty about going to Rachel's track meet that night. As long as I kept pain relievers in me, I felt fine. I had myself convinced I might not actually be sick. But, even before I went to bed last night I decided to stay home from school today just to rest and recuperate. When I told Rachel, she cheerfully commented, "Oh! So you are going to just stay home and do laundry and stuff." She acted as if I wanted to stay home and do laundry just for the fun of it.
As I was sitting in my pj's at 7:30 am this morning (we have to leave at 7:40), Alex says, "Are you going to work?" He's a real observant fellow. I told him I wasn't feeling well so I was staying home. "What are you going to do?" he asked.
"Sleep," I answered.
"Aren't you going to do anything fun, like watch movies or play something?" (I'm assuming he meant video games.)
"I don't feel like doing anything fun." What is it with my kids? Do they enjoy being sick? Or have they figured out that being sick is a complete waste of time so if they stay home from school they might as well enjoy it? I don't know the answer to those questions but I tried to follow their advice. After sleeping until almost noon, I woke feeling like I should have gone to school. Then I stood up. It was then, that I realized I was definitely sick.
In spite of the fever,aches, weak legs, and sore throat (which is actually much better), I did do one load of laundry, baked some cookies for the kids for an after school snack and watched some CSI-- nothing too strenuous. I picked them up from school and took Alex to practice and then I slept for two more hours. Having all that fun really wore me out.
I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to decide if I should work or stay home and have fun. I'm just hoping tomorrow's fun is a lot more fun.
It's been a while...
10 years ago
Did I really say that??? O... wait.. I did.