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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Big 41

Rachel baked this cake for Jeff all by herself last night!

What a bad wife, I tried to make him a year older than he really is and to top it off I only had one candle in our entire house to put on the cake!

_________________________________________________________________ Love you, Big 42. I was quite proud of myself for coming up with something that rhymed to put on Jeff's birthday cake that Rachel made last night. While he was finishing up his nap, we finished up his cake and birthday dinner. We were debating what to decorate with, when he shot up out of a deep sleep and said, "41!" We didn't know if he was sleep talking, listening to a ball game or what. But then he explained. "I'm not 42, I'm 41."
"Oh, yeah," I said kind of sort of apologetically. Then I realized I was the one who was 42, making him 41. What's really funny is that David was as confused as I was. He thought that Jeff was 40, making himself only 37. He actually turned 38 back in July! Oh well, who is really counting? Needless to say, we had to edit the birthday cake.
If you haven't heard, it is a little chilly outside today in Missouri. We did not go to school Monday or Tuesday due to weather, which gave me a little extra time to heal before going back. Tuesday was exactly 6 weeks to the day of my surgery. When the doctor told me he recommended eight weeks off from work I thought he was absolutely insane. I didn't have eight weeks to give up. I actually considered going back to school after two weeks for just half-days. Thankfully, common sense slapped me upside the head and I took off the last week before Christmas also. I was sure that one day shy of six weeks would be plenty of recovery time for me. But, Tuesday night at Rachel's ball game, when all the teachers were debating whether we would go back on Wednesday, I might have been the only one to say it would be okay if we didn't. I had to admit I was nervous about how I would feel, plus I have to go between buildings every thirty minutes of the day to pick up students. I wasn't really looking forward to traipsing through the subarctic temps. We did wind up going on Wednesday, which is usually an early out day for students. I stay with the ones whose parents cannot pick them up that early, but yesterday the school sent them all home early and allowed teachers to go home due to the impending storm. Even though I had only seen one class, I was okay with that. By noon, I was moving very slowly and was developing some strange twinges of pain. I took it pretty easy for the night while Rachel baked the birthday cake. It didn't appear we were getting the 6 inches of predicted snow so I was mentally preparing for going to school for a full day with a high temperature of 9 degrees. I can't say I sounded very appealing. Actually taking eight entire weeks to recover from surgery because the doctor said so was sounding more sensible. Later that night, though, we got the cancellation call. Today, Rachel's ball game is cancelled and her coach even called off practice. This is no minor feat considering they practiced on Christmas Eve. Even her tournament scheduled for Saturday has already been postponed.
I haven't even stepped outside, but I know it is too cold to be out there. We are supposed to watch the big college football championship game tonight at Larry's and Kay's, but I am already dreading getting out for that. No word on school for Friday, but I know many schools have already cancelled. Looks like I might just be getting close to the doctor's recommendation. If we miss tomorrow, I'll have only worked 1/2 day in seven weeks!

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