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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Progress and Parting Ways

Finally. Yesterday marked the third week since my surgery and I think I might being seeing some progress! Now note that the progress I am about to describe may not sound like much to you, but I was so giddy when my husband came home from lunch today that he was actually laughing at me.

Before surgery women kept telling me not to put it off, how much better I would feel and it would be the best thing I could do. I can't exactly say I have come to that place, yet, but I am sure that I will. Recovery is a slow process I heard. For a person who is basically a very healthy person, never had surgery or a c-section, slow has an entirely new meaning. I am not used to all of this sleeping, aching, weird dreams, medication and soreness. The first week I could barely move, but was heavily medicated. Week two, very tired and very sore. Week three, bordering depressed because I was wondering when I would ever feel better. To top it off, I had some sort of stomach virus over the weekend. Monday, though, I felt good and probably over did, because yesterday I didn't do too much. The plus side is that I haven't had any pain medicine since Sunday night! I don't want to talk badly about all the pills I've been taking, though. While some of them gave me some of the weirdest dreams I have ever had, some have come to be my friends. Good old Mo (Trin) has become my friend in the past few years, but I have been introduced to her bigger, stronger sister and I really like the family. Another first time acquaintance is Corre (C. Tol). She has been a real lifesaver. Now that Mo's sister is gone, though, I don't think I'll be seeing Corre as much either.

Which brings us to today. Glorious today. Now remember, I haven't been doing too much before 10:30 or 11:00 am for three weeks now so today really shows progress. Before noon I had already accomplished the following:

  • Packing lunches and sending everyone off to school and work.

  • Folding a load of laundry.

  • Tidying the house. (Main floor only!)

  • Having a quiet time with the Lord.

  • Taking a nap.

  • Taking a shower.

  • Eating lunch.

Shortly thereafter, Jeff came home for lunch and it is only 1:30pm and I am now blogging and I'm just so excited because I have accomplished something and I don't feel like I am living in a fog! If it wouldn't hurt so badly I would do a happy dance, but I'll save it for later :) It's just so nice to finally feel like myself again I can hardly stand it. I am actually starting to get excited about Christmas so I am hoping that sometime this weekend I will be posting a new family picture and background. Plus, the new Christmas tree I ordered should be here by then and I have presents to wrap and I'm thinking about those yummy little peanut butter balls! Well, I suppose I should be careful. If you don't see anything new by Monday, you'll know I went a little overboard and have taken up my napping and visits with Corre and Mo again.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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